About Me
My name is Erin DeWitt. Thank you for being here. I am honored by this moment of connection and excited that we found one another.
I wonder what part of our stories connect us, what brought you here and how I can best be of service to you. I welcome all that is present and receive you just as you are.
I invite us to be real with one another. It's not so easy to presence with the parts of us that we are afraid of, are disembodied from or that make us feel vulnerable. Welcoming all that is present has been a journey for me. Just like you, I navigated a whole bunch of crazy during the pandemic. And perhaps just like you, my plate was already full before that arrived. I had just started to feel "normal" again healing from a 3 year journey with Lyme disease. My sister, Becky, was diagnosed with stage 3 colorectal cancer a couple years prior to the pandemic. I was her main caregiver. It was a long short hard journey. If you have been on this path then you know. We provided hospice at home for the last 3 weeks during the peak of covid. I didn't sleep during that time. That isn't an exaggeration. After she transitioned my focus turned inward. I was a hot mess. My whole body hurt. I was holding it together to help her release and support my family in their grief. My symptoms were so similar to what I experienced with Lyme. But it wasn't Lyme. My nervous system was fried. It took 8 months to get myself back together physically and I still lovingly presence with grief, it just looks different now. I used all of my tools and resources. I am grateful that I have them and my connection with Spirit, my Sacred Partnership. They have nourished me and help me support others as they navigate their emotional landscape.
I have been a caregiver most of my life. I love a sibling that has battled addiction for over 25 years. I have aging parents that I am blessed to be able to offer support. I am relieved that my dad has been cancer free and enjoying his life for over 5 years now. I am relieved that my stepdad received a life changing surgery and a course correct from a debilitating misdiagnosis. I am relieved that my nephew helped me move my folks here from Florida and that I found a beautiful place for them to live with a walk-in shower (that search was not easy, neither was the move!). My husband, his family and I took care of his mom as she lived with dementia for 14 years with intense live-in care during the last 3 years. She transitioned in February, 2023. In the last 3 years my Uncle Terry, Aunt Lori, and four good friends transitioned. We said goodbye to two beloved fur children in the last 5 years. Our own children have launched as adults and we are experiencing new ways of being in relationship with them and ourselves. Did I mention that while I was healing after Becky's transition an herbal supplement launched me into menopause (henceforth called moonopause because what do men have to do with it really, sorry guys). Phew. Friends ask, "How are you even calm? You seem calm. Are you really okay?" My response is, "Yes And". I am mostly calm and I am in process. Some moments aren't so calm. How am I navigating? I have been tending to my nervous system and am bringing loving kindness to the perceived chaos of my life. I'm making daily efforts to truly embrace "all are welcome here" with ALL of the parts that show up within me. They are teachers.
I bring gratitude to the teachings. You have probably heard "no mud, no lotus". Well as much as we might not want the shit it is the compost that nourishes the garden. It brings a richness to the soil of our lives. Beauty emerges when we are open to see it. I can be experiencing feelings of grief and at the same time noticing a beautiful bird song, gorgeous flower blossoms or the way the sun sparkles on water. Honoring that it is all present helps me to recognize that there is more than what I am perceiving within me too, that I am in process. My feelings and emotions are not who I am. They are expressions of what I am feeling. I have the power to be with those feelings, the information they are providing and bring change if I feel I am ready. You have this power too.
I see you. I am here with you. Let's step in together, navigate the teachings, experience some relief, restore balance and a feeling of wholeness too.
Education & Training
During the Pandemic I participated in online workshops on trauma informed care and nervous system regulation, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Sacred Geometry, Restorative Living through Urban Farming and a wonderful offering by the University of MN called Towards Living in Relationship with Plants. I've also been immersed in reading books by spiritual teachers, healers and scientists that are guiding us into a new way of practicing medicine and living. I have deepened relationship with my Compassionate Helping Spirits and Guides, Mother Earth, Star Family and the Elemental Beings. I'm a being in process. What a blessing.
Participated in Dr. Garbo Mate's Wisdom of Trauma Series, 2020
Completed Influencer's Masterclass with Dr. Jean Houston & Dr. Claire Zammit, 2018
Completed Mindful Educator's Essentials, Mindful Schools, 2017
Completed Navigating Difficult Emotions, Mindful Schools, 2017
Completed 7-wk Power of Awareness Course, Jack Canefield & Tara Brach, 2017
Accepted into and received a scholarship for 2 yr Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training, Berkley Good Science Center, 2017 (did not participate due to sudden family care needs)
Completed 7 month Energy Medicine Course, Normandale College, 2016
Direct Awakening Meditation Course, Craig Hamilton, 2016
Donna Eden Energy Medicine Online Course, 2015
Completed Shamanic Journeying for Guidance and Healing, Sandra Ingerman, 2015
Ordained Minister through Universal Life Church, 2015 (have officiated many celebrations of life and weddings)
Agents of Conscious Evolution Graduate, Barbara Marx Hubbard, 2012
Participated in Living on the Edge of Evolution Graduate Community program, 2010
Integral Enlightenment: Awakening to an Evolutionary Relationship to Life, Craig Hamilton, 2010
Sound Healing Intensive Certificate, Jonathan Goldman & The Sound Healers Association, 2010
The Reconnection Practitioner, Bee Jimpson, 2009
Reconnective Healing Practitioner, Dr. Eric Pearl, 2009
Reiki Master Teacher, International Center for Reiki Training, William Rand, 2008
Donna Eden Energy Medicine Online Course, 2008
Spring Forest Qi-Gong Level I and II Training, Ann Cathcart and Master Chunyi Lin, 2008
Quantum Touch Practitioner Training, Nancy Knutson, Denise Godfry and Richard Gordon, 2007
EFT Level One Training, Duluth, 2006
Reiki Practitioner Training, Meta Institute, 2006
Attended many trainings prior to 2006 in Service Learning, ACE's, Leadership & Mentoring

Twin Ports Bridge Festival Celebration of Water w/ Anishinaabe Water Walkers, Masaru Emoto, Steven Dinan of the Shift Network, Gwen Hallsmith with the New Earth Charter and Jodi Christensen, 2013

Letting Shit Go and Planting Seeds Ceremony after the Women's Weekend with my spiritual sister Amy Fitzpatrick at the Webster Farm, 2023- present through intentions (Lora, Krissy, Kelly, Laraine, Candy, Holly, Taisa, and our loved ones)

Stonehenge, after sunrise and receiving my Reiki Master Attunement from the International Center for Reiki Training, 2007

Twin Ports Bridge Festival Celebration of Water w/ Anishinaabe Water Walkers, Masaru Emoto, Steven Dinan of the Shift Network, Gwen Hallsmith with the New Earth Charter and Jodi Christensen, 2013

My Philosophy
I believe that we have the ability to heal ourselves. Our bodies have an innate intelligence and when given the opportunity they will resonate with coherent frequencies restoring balance within. As a healing arts practitioner, mindful educator and spiritual guide, I support my clients in creating and embodying that felt sense of balance. We presence at the kitchen table of our hearts with those parts of us that need to be seen, heard or loved. The action of presencing with loving kindness creates space for deep listening, understanding and transformation. When we meet all of our parts with love and equanimity we invite a greater felt sense of wholeness and a safer space for healing. The sessions flow in a way that support us in tending to our nervous systems. When our nervous systems are regulated we can live more embodied and navigate our relationship with self, others and the world with greater ease and grace. I believe this is one of the most important services we can provide ourselves, each other and the planet.