There is a garden in your heart.
Shall we explore it together, tend to what we notice and nourish the dream seeds with the rich compost of your lived experiences?
I'll bring some tools and meet you there.

My name is Erin DeWitt. Thank you for being here. I am honored by this moment of connection and excited that we found one another.
I wonder what part of our stories connect us, what brought you here and how I can best be of service. I welcome all that is present and receive you just as you are.
I invite us to be real with one another. It's not so easy to presence with the parts of us that we are afraid of, are disembodied from or that make us feel vulnerable. Welcoming all that is present has been a journey for me. Just like you, I navigated a
It's an Honor to Presence With You
All are welcome here. Together we will energetically presence with your vast inner emotional landscape and your life experiences. We can do that through 1:1 sessions, membership group experiences, classes, spiritual immersions and training.
I look forward to creating sacred space for exploration and healing with you.
From Clients & Students

"What are you really? You are energy dreamed into physicality with Love.
You are a Creator.
You are a walking miracle with infinite potential to become that which you are focused upon. What thoughts are you focused upon? How do they make you feel?
Is that how you want to feel?
What do you want to focus upon?
Do that- with feeling and imagination. Seeing and feeling as if it is happening now.
Be what you want to be because you already ARE that and so much more!
Laughter...followed by cosmic giggle. You are loved. "
Message with Spirit